This Hormone Is The Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight – Here Is How To Fix This Problem !

If losing weight has become some kind of struggle for you and you think the diet or the work out is not yielding the wanted results, then the hormone – leptin may be what you really need to handle immediately. Leptin is the hormone that is secreted by the cells and its general function is to balance the body weight and the energy levels. There are 2 ways the leptin is performing its function. The first one is by signaling the brain when we eat and the second one is to stimulate the fatty tissue to burn the energy.

The body is releasing more and more leptin in the blood stream as you are growing fatter in order to make a balance, and to stimulate the fatty tissue in order to burn the excess fat. However, there are cases when leptin is malfunctioning. More accurately, many overweight people developed leptin resistance in their bodies.

What leptin resistance means and how it happens?

After long periods of high leptin levels, many people are losing sensitivity to leptin in their bodies. That means, that the brain doesn’t listen when the leptin is telling it to hasten the metabolism and to stop eating.

This is making the losing weight process really difficult. Leptin resistance is making its sufferer prone to chronic disease by causing increased inflammation and excess stomach fat.

Crash diets can also be a reason for developing leptin resistance. There are people who make a mistake by reducing their calorie intake very drastically, because they wish to lose weight very fast. But this usually becomes an issue, thus it makes the leptin to respond by telling our brain it needs more eating.

This is why it’s probably a great idea to completely avoid these type of diets, because they fail most of the times and they can even deliver some illnesses. So, that is definitely a wrong approach for  the weight loss process.

Also, you can become resistant to leptin if you are eating processed foods regularly, like the ones below:

-Food high in sugar

-Food high in fat

-High fructose corn syrup

-Refined Carbohydrates

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