Parsley is rich with nutrients that improve and have good affect to our health. The nutrients are divided in 2 groups – 1st group – essential oils and 2nd group 0 flavonoids. Parsley also contains the vitamins K, A and C, and the experts of health recommend the parsley especially for the winter and the fall . Parsley combined with other ingredients like lemon has even greater and more powerful effect to our health. Today we will give you a recipe for a remedy with parsley that effectively kills cholesterol and fats
Ingredients needed for this amazing remedy :
3 stalks of parsley
2 pounds (35 oz) of lemonsa
50 oz (1.5 liters) of water
baking soda
The method of preparation:
First you need to clean the lemons. It is best to clean them with baking soda. Rub them and clean them well from any dirt. Then boil the water and after that leave it to cool. Next, chop the parsley and cut the lemons, and add them in the water. Then you should cover the liquid and keep it in the refrigerator. After one day, stir the liquid well and put it in a bottle (glass).
You should consume 3.5 oz (100 ml) of this healthy drink each day and the results will come very soon.
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