In the aging process, at some point color – producing cells stop producing pigment and the hair goes gray.
In average, it is typical for white people to start going gray in their mid- 30s, African – Americans in the mid- 40s and Asians in their late 30s. It is interesting that half of all people have a significant amount of gray hair by the age of 50.
There are many ways for permanent treatment of gray hair. But many people don’t like the idea of having different pigmented hair until their original color returns. Because of that in this article we suggest you just one ingredient, to help speed up the process and hide those unwanted gray’s.
For this treatment you will need one cup of potato peel and 2 glasses of water.
How to prepare:
.In a bowl, put the potato peel, pour it with water and cook it about 5 minutes.
.Leave it to cool down and than strain the liquid once it turns yellow, so you will get a black mixture.
How to use:
Wash your hair with a shampoo, as you usually do. Then pour the potato mixture on your hair and then envelop your hair in a towel. Leave to act for some time.
Note: You should be aware that this mixture will make your hair darker!
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