What is the simple way to make me not fall into the trap of obesity

To avoid falling into the trap of obesity, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, and limiting processed foods and added sugars can help you maintain a healthy weight. It is also important to find an physical activity that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine, such as going for a walk, swimming, or playing a sport. Additionally, monitoring your portion sizes and keeping track of your calorie intake can also be helpful. Consult a dietitian or a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

To maintain a healthy weight, it's important to balance the number of calories you consume through food and beverages with the number of calories your body uses through physical activity and metabolism.

Eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help you feel full and satisfied while also providing your body with essential nutrients.

Limiting processed foods and added sugars can help you control your calorie intake and reduce your risk of chronic health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Regular physical activity is also important for maintaining a healthy weight. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, on most days of the week.

Monitoring your portion sizes can be helpful in preventing overeating. You can use measuring cups and spoons or a food scale to make sure you're not consuming more than you need.

Keep track of your calorie intake by using a food diary or a calorie-tracking app. It can help you become more aware of the foods you're consuming and the number of calories they contain.

It's also important to keep in mind that weight loss is not always the goal and it may not be necessary for everyone. A healthy weight is not just about a number on the scale but also about overall health and well-being. It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice.

Get Rid Of The Gray Hair: You will need only 1 Ingredient!

In the aging process, at some point color – producing cells stop producing pigment and the hair goes gray.

In average, it is typical for white people to start going gray in their mid- 30s, African – Americans in the mid- 40s and Asians in their late 30s. It is interesting that half of all people have a significant amount of gray hair by the age of 50.

There are many ways for permanent treatment of gray hair. But many people don’t like the idea of having different pigmented hair until their original color returns. Because of that in this article we suggest you just one ingredient, to help speed up the process and hide those unwanted gray’s.

For this treatment you will need one cup of potato peel and 2 glasses of water.

How to prepare:

.In a bowl, put the potato peel, pour it with water and cook it about 5 minutes.
.Leave it to cool down and than strain the liquid once it turns yellow, so you will get a black mixture.

How to use:

Wash your hair with a shampoo, as you usually do. Then pour the potato mixture on your hair and then envelop your hair in a towel. Leave to act for some time.

Note: You should be aware that this mixture will make your hair darker!

Source: http://www.healthylifeidea.com/get-rid-of-the-gray-hairyou-will-need-only-1-ingredient/

6 Activities to Do to Burn Big Tummy In Just 6 Days

Getting rid of the belly fat is extremely important for your look and health too. Big tummy can actually lead to heart diseases, dementia, stroke and diabetes. However today there are simple ways that will shrink your belly in just 6 days. These are the best and most effective ones.

1.Choose the right fruits. We all know that fruits are generally healthy, but if you want to flatten your belly, you have to pick the fruits with balanced amounts of fructose and glucose such as berries, citrus fruits and grapes. Honeydew, pears and apples are more difficult to digest, so try to avoid them for better results.

2.You have to avoid sodium. We have retention of more fluid in the organism when we consume salty foods (especially high sodium content). Try to avoid these foods (and microwavable meals) and to choose turkey sandwich or chicken salad for lunch. You have to increase the consumption of vegetables (without salt, or you can change refined salt with himalayan salt) and fruits.

3.Reduce the carbs. Pasta and bagels are tasty, but they are not recommended for people who want to shrink their stomachs. Try to consume foods rich in protein and low fat content such as eggs, cheese and nuts. Brown rice is much better than potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods if you really want to consume carbs.

4.Reduce milk consumption. You are not able to break down the sugar presented in the milk if you are lactose intolerant. That’s the reason you feel bloated, gassy or you have cramps after the consumption of dairy products. Yogurt and hard cheese without lactose are the best alternative.

5.Say goodbye to CRAP.  It stands for processed foods, refined oil, white sugar, white flour, soda drinks, alcohol and caffeine. These things are with extremely poor quality and are really harmful for your overall health.

6.Do not consume spicy foods. Your stomach release more acid when you eat spicy foods. It causes irritation and it’s not good for your belly fat. IF you want to stay on the healthy side, choose fresh and dried herbs.

These dietary changes have to be incorporated into diet for those who really want to get rid of the belly fat in just 6 days.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before.

source: http://www.losingweightdone.com/6-activities-to-do-to-burn-big-tummy-in-just-6-days/


If you are horrified to wear fit slim shirt after putting your bra or you hate wearing swimming suit because of the bulge part that appears on your back, you are on the right place. Many women had bad experiences with the fat that appears around the bra straps. This can make woman to wear loose fitting clothes, so she can hide her back fat and avoid embarrassment. We will show the causes and how to avoid bra bulge.

What are the causes of Bra Bulge?

Main reason for this condition are weak muscles. The skin around the muscles becomes loose because the muscles are not tight and defined as they should be. As a result of that, the accumulated fat in the back comes out of the bra, and when you wear swimming suit for example or anything else, the fat becomes noticeable. Even those who are thin and slim have chances to experience bra bulge.

How to avoid Bra Bulge

Fortunately, there is a wat to avoid bra bulge and have smooth looking back. The cure is exercising!

You must strengthen your back muscles with exercising and avoid bra bulge. Check out these six types of exercises that will help you look and feel good:

T-Raises: Stand on your feet hip distance separated and take dumbbell with both hands. Twist the knees and push your body forward while you keep your back straight. Hold the weights with your arms in front of your creating a T shape, after that bring the dumbbells to your shoulders and lower them. Repeat this 15 times.

Mountain Climbers – Start with a plank position. Move your right knee to your chest and put it back. Repeat this with your left 
knee. 30-60 seconds repetition will be perfect.

Rocking Plank – Go into plank position and move with your core and arm muscles forward. Push with your body weight and keep your shoulders and head in front of the arms. Go back to the starting point and repeat it 15 times.

Push Up – Those who want to have strong back muscles, push-ups are made for them. 30 push-ups will be enough.

Burpee – Go into plank position, pull the body in stand position, and jump with the arms above your head. Go back in the plank position, and repeat it as fast as possible. Repeat the exercise ten times and you are good to go.

Single-Arm Dumbbell Raises – Move your body forward, setting one of your hand on the wall in front of you. Hold the dumbbell with the free hand. Keep your weight down in front of the abdomen, and gradually lift it up in front of your chest. Repeat this exercise 10 times and do it again with the opposite hand.


3 Miracle Drinks That Melt Your Belly Fat in Just A Few Days

If you want to reduce your weight and melt your belly fat, contrary to popular belief, bananas should be a part of your diet. Besides all, you can make a lot of tasty meals and smoothies with bananas. On the other hand, they are rich in potassium, which frees your body of excess fluids and accelerates metabolism.

Along with other “fat melters” as flaxseed and spinach, bananas make a real invasion on unwanted fat pads. In fact, bananas, spinach and flaxseed belong to the group of powerful “fat melters”.

Besides bananas are a natural source of sugars such as sucrose, fructose and glucose, they are also an excellent source of energy. If you don’t know, they also reduces hunger. That makes you easier to avoid high calorie meals and to increase the fiber intake, which will speed up your metabolism. This will melt your belly fat in just a few days.

Bananas are the basis of these diet drinks. Moreover, they feed your body with the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Drinks That Melt Your Belly Fat

1.Banana & Flaxseed

.1 banana.
.1 orange.
.2 tbsp. flaxseed.
.2 tbsp. of your favorite protein.

2.Banana & Berries

.1 banana.
.1 cup blueberries, cranberries or raspberries.
.1 tbsp. grated ginger.
.½ cup lukewarm water.
.1 tbsp. of maple syrup (or Bee Free Honee).

3.Banana & Spinach

.1 banana.
.7 oz. (200 g) fresh spinach.
.1/3 cup crushed cereal.
.½ cup soy or coconut yogurt.
.1 tbsp. maple syrup.

The preparation of these beverages is the same. You need only those ingredients and blender.

These drinks make a real invasion of belly fat in the early morning hours, when the fat “sleeps”. Just kidding :) , but they will be a great replacement for your breakfast, when your body absorbs the nutrients mostly.

Source: Healthy Food Team

Clean Your Body From Toxins With Only One Glass of This Amazing Beverage!

You can prepare it in a couple of minutes and only after one glass it will destroy the toxins in your body and start the general cleansing.

A longer consumption of this very simple beverage will improve your immunity and solve your problems with the digestive tract. It will fulfill you with energy which will be enough for the whole day.

The best thing is that you only need 3 ingredients that you can buy in any store like: lemon, apple and ginger.

It’s rich in vitamins A, B and C and it also helps the liver do its work and cleanse the body. Think of this as a fuel that will help your body to work smoothly during the day.

Preparation and consumption:

.1 lemon

.4 apples
.a piece of fresh ginger (about 5 centimeters).

Put all of the ingredients in a blender, blend them well and you’ll get your tasty beverage!

You can mix it with water, so it can be more liquid, because when it’s made only from the ingredients, it’s really thick.

Adding water will make it mild, it won’t lose the taste nor the effect and it will be easier to consume.

Consume it right after you’ve prepared it. The best time for the consumption is in the morning before breakfast.


Drink This Before You Go To Sleep And You’ll Reduce Belly Fat In No Time!

Many people dream of burning the excess pounds while enjoying their favorite pastime, their favorite TV series, good book or while doing nothing. It may sound weird, but this amazing recipe will definitely help you to achieve that.

Honey and cinnamon are the only ingredients for this powerful weight loss formula where both of them contribute significantly to reduce belly fat and remove the excess pounds of your body.

All the nutritionists claim and prove that the consumption of honey and cinnamon together offers more beneficial properties than consuming them separately.


The first thing you should do is to boil 250 ml of water
Then put 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
Let the mixture cool down and afterwards add 2 tablespoons of honey. Honey will lose its medicinal properties if you add it in a hot water.

Consume the drink 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and before go to sleep.

Consume the drink until you get your desired results. The consumption of this will also improve your overall health.

Have a nice day, burn the excess pounds and enjoy your body like never before.

Source: http://www.healthylivinghouse.com/drink-this-before-you-go-to-sleep-and-youll-reduce-belly-fat-in-no-time/